Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infection causes are different for a male, female, or baby. Symptoms may be itching, burning skin, or a white mouth but there's treatment that will relieve these symptoms. Some causes of Candida are antibiotics, diabetes and birth control pills.

Anyone of any age can get an infection. Usually we associate it with the female genitalia but as we will see, that is not always the case. Let's start out by discussing female yeast infection causes.

Female Yeast Infection Causes

About 75 percent of women have a yeast infection during their lives. Some women repeatedly get infections which is referred to as a recurring yeast infection. As the numbers show, they are very common.

A healthy female vagina contains millions of microorganisms or “vaginal flora” that normally live peacefully together in an environment that balances each other out. These bacteria can usually fight off unwanted organisms. But there are times when this balance is disturbed and unhealthy organisms run a muck and overgrow. When this “bad bacteria” is allowed to grow at levels that over power the “good bacteria” you then have overgrowth.

The term for the yeast-like overgrowth is Candida albicans. There are many Candida species but Candida albicans is the species responsible for causing yeast infections in humans. Candida belongs to the fungus/yeast family and can quickly multiply if given the right environment. Here are some common yeast infection causes for women.

Diabetes can worsen yeast infections due to higher levels of glucose in the body and can also make a person more vulnerable to infections of the fingernails and toenails.

Overweight individuals can become susceptible to infections if their diet is poor and also diabetic.

Antibiotics can cause infections if they are over used because antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in the body.

Pregnancy may sometimes trigger infections due to hormonal changes in the body and can become a factor in yeast infection causes.

Sexual Activity can cause infections if a partner is infected. Although yeast infections are not considered sexually transmitted diseases.

Aids/HIV immunocompromised individuals have a particularly hard time ridding themselves of candida albicans. The immune system is not strong enough to fight off the candida cells. It can also be a factor in what causes thrush.

Poor Diet choices add to yeast overgrowth and is probably one of the most critical factors in whether your healthy gut flora will be able to fight off yeast cells. A diet high in sugars and simple carbohydrates feed the candida cells and gives them all the energy they need to live. In contrast, eating foods that are organic, full of active enzymes, and high in vitamins and minerals kill off the candida cells.

Birth Control Pills disturb natural hormone levels and can contribute to yeast infections.

Perfumes and soaps may contribute to causes of candida if the normal balance of vaginal flora is upset.

Warm moist areas can cause yeast infections such as underneath the arms. Yeast likes to grow in warm, dark, and moist environments. Click here for home remedies for yeast infections

Male Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infection causes for men are similar to females. Men can develop yeast infections it could be due to a variety of reasons.

Diabetes can worsen yeast infections due to higher levels of glucose in the body. For more information, see the page entitled candida cookbook. Overweight individuals can become susceptible to yeast infections if their diet is poor and also diabetic.

Antibiotics can cause yeast infections if they are over used because antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in the body.

Beer and Alcohol overuse can contribute to yeast infections.

Sexual Activity can cause infections if a partner is infected. Although yeast infections are not considered sexually transmitted diseases.

Aids/HIV immunocompromised individuals have a particularly hard time ridding themselves of candida albicans. The immune system is not strong enough to fight off the candida cells.

Condom use can increase likely hood of yeast infections due to the lubrication some of them contain.

Poor Diet Your daily diet is probably one of the most critical factors in whether your healthy gut flora will be able to fight off yeast cells. A diet high in sugars and simple carbohydrates feed the candida cells and gives them all the energy they need to live. In contrast, eating foods that are organic, full of active enzymes, and high in vitamins and minerals kill off the candida cells.

Stress can weaken the immune system not to mention most stressed people do not eat properly which contribute to overgrowth.

Warm moist areas can cause infections such as underneath the arms. Yeast likes to grow in warm, dark, and moist environments. Click here for information about yeast infection in men

Baby Yeast Infection Causes

Have you ever wondered what causes thrush? Just as males and females develop Candida albicans, so can babies. Yeast infection causes in children could also be due to the food they are eating or other reasons and the infection can develop a yeast diaper rash or oral thrush infections due to a variety of factors. Click here for baby yeast infection information.

  • The use of antibiotics by you or your baby
  • Not using sterilized bottles or feeding utensils
  • Contact with yeast as baby travels down the birth canal
  • Newborns of diabetic mothers Babies with an immune deficiency

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