What Is Candida?

Asking yourself what is Candida? If this is your first time researching Candida, you're not alone. Dr C. Orion Truss was the first doctor to really bring the subject of what is Candida to light with his treatment of patients who were severely sick from Candida.

From then on, many books have been written on the subject and how antibiotics can have an ill effect on a persons health and recovery. This page will focus on the root causes, and nutritional diet changes that can help cure Candida.

Yeast can be found everywhere in the world including inside every human. Candida albicans is a member of the yeast family. It's also a fungus - fungi or moulds, which is a sub-group of the yeast family of organisms. So exactly what is Candida? Well, it's a yeast or fungus infection known for it's rapid growth once it finds the perfect living or previously living host to connect itself to.

Who Can Get a Candida Infection?

Everyone has Candida antibodies. Candida usually resides in the digestive system, mainly the intestines. In women it normally resides in the vagina and it can also live on the skin. Normally, it does not invade our entire body but when it is found in large capacities it can cause havoc and usually it means something is wrong the immune system or in other words our immune system is too weak due to hospitalizations, operations, medications or other illnesses that need to be corrected. Lots of people have symptoms of Candida that may not be dangerous enough in the beginning stages to be life threatening. People describe their symptoms as:

Candida Overgrowth Symptoms


extreme fatigue

menstrual problems

premenstrual tenstion

sense of hopelessness

digestive symptoms: diarrhea, constipation, bloating and heartburn

unnatural irritability



an inability to concentrate ('brain fog')




muscular pain



What to Eat on the Anti Candida Diet?

Nutrition plays a very important role in whether your Candida treatment will be a success or not. Foods that are high in sugar (such as cake, juice, and candy) and simple carbohydrates (such as white flour, packaged cereals, and corn syrup) deplete our bodies of the very nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Too much sugar is counterproductive and gives Candida the fuel it needs to survive. Eat food that is rich in vitamins and minerals and that have not been refined or processed. The below link to the Candida Diet page shows a guideline for everyday eating habits that can help rid your body from Candida and keep you on track toward health and longevity.

Related Pages

Candida Diet

Cutaneous Candidiasis

Preventing Yeast Infections

Yeast Infection Symptoms

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